

KOMPROMAT clear vinyl edition & New Merch

Bandcamp are once again waiving their fees in support of artists and labels during the apocalypse. The lifeline they’ve thrown to the independent music industry in these most testing of times has been truly incredible. If you’re looking to buy music or merchandise from the artists/labels you love, today would be a good day to do so (until 8am BST on Saturday).

With this in mind, we have number of new things to tempt you with in our Bandcamp emporium. Step this way…

Limited edition clear vinyl KOMPROMAT LP

That limited edition silver vinyl pre-order didn’t stick around for long. It seems we underestimated the demand. Thanks so much for the support, we’re extremely flattered. If you missed out on the silver, here’s a smart new limited edition to catch your eye…

KOMPROMAT clear vinyl edition & New Merch

Pen plot art prints

There’s been a fair bit of interest in Michael Connolly’s data driven graphic designs around the album, with people looking to get their hands on prints. You speak, and we listen. He’s producing just 50 prints for both KOMPROMAT and ‘The Truth’ with his trusty pen plotter.

KOMPROMAT clear vinyl edition & New Merch

‘The Truth’ T-shirt

We’ve been keeping Michael busy. He’s designed us a spanking new T-shirt for ‘The Truth’. Wear it while holding your government to account. We will be donating 50% of the proceeds from sales of this shirt to the

Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust

KOMPROMAT clear vinyl edition & New Merch

Be excellent to each other.