Paris Agreement Climate Action Tracker

The Paris Agreement Climate Action Tracker: What You Need to Know

The Paris Agreement is a historic international agreement signed by 195 countries in 2015, committing to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and pursue efforts to limit it to 1.5 degrees Celsius. To track the progress of countries in meeting their commitments under the agreement, the Climate Action Tracker was launched in 2014, which is an independent scientific analysis that tracks countries’ climate action and their progress towards the Paris Agreement’s goals.

What is a Climate Action Tracker?

The Climate Action Tracker is a tool that provides an assessment of countries’ climate policies and predicts their future greenhouse gas emissions. It is a joint initiative of two research organizations, the NewClimate Institute and Climate Analytics, and is supported by a consortium of research partners. The Climate Action Tracker assesses countries’ climate pledges, known as nationally determined contributions (NDCs), and compares them with the Paris Agreement’s goals.

What does the Climate Action Tracker measure?

The Climate Action Tracker measures countries’ progress towards meeting their Paris Agreement commitments using the following metrics:

1. Temperature: The increase in global temperature since pre-industrial levels.

2. Greenhouse gas emissions: Countries’ greenhouse gas emissions and their projected emissions trajectories under current and proposed policies.

3. Energy: The transition to renewable energy, including electricity generation, transport, heating, and cooling.

4. Land use: The management of forests and other land use, which can either contribute to or help mitigate climate change.

5. Climate finance: Countries’ contributions to climate finance, which supports developing countries in their efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change.

Why is the Climate Action Tracker important?

The Climate Action Tracker is important because it holds countries accountable for their climate commitments under the Paris Agreement. It provides an independent assessment of countries’ climate policies and emissions trajectories, which can serve as a basis for policymakers, civil society organizations, and the public to demand stronger climate action. It can also help identify best practices and policy options for achieving the Paris Agreement’s goals.

What are the latest findings of the Climate Action Tracker?

The latest findings of the Climate Action Tracker, released in December 2020, show that despite progress in some areas, countries’ climate pledges are still not yet enough to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius or even 2 degrees Celsius. The report found that only two countries, Morocco and Gambia, have submitted NDCs that are compatible with limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Most countries’ current NDCs are consistent with a global temperature increase of around 2.8 degrees Celsius, which is well above the Paris Agreement’s goals.

What can be done to improve the Climate Action Tracker’s findings?

To improve the Climate Action Tracker’s findings, countries need to strengthen their climate pledges and increase their commitments to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This can be done through policies that promote renewable energy, energy efficiency, carbon pricing, and sustainable land use. Governments can also increase financial support for climate action in developing countries and enhance international cooperation and solidarity to address the global nature of the climate crisis.

In conclusion, the Climate Action Tracker is an important tool for tracking countries’ progress towards meeting their Paris Agreement commitments. It highlights the urgent need for stronger climate action to limit global warming and prevent the worst impacts of climate change. Governments, civil society organizations, and the public can use the Climate Action Tracker to hold countries accountable and demand the necessary policies and investments to achieve a sustainable and resilient future for all.